( 1,654 )

C 28

C++ 17

CMake 96

CSS 45

Cypress 7

date-fns 20

Django 158

Django REST Framework 4

ESLint 13

Git 13

GNU Make 5


htmx 8


JavaScript 18

MariaDB 61

NumPy 158

pandas 101

PHP 32

PostgreSQL 14

Python 62

PyTorch 242

Qt 495

SQLite 10

Tailwind CSS 12


Crafting Comprehensive Queries with FULL OUTER JOINs in PostgreSQL

A FULL OUTER JOIN is a type of join operation in PostgreSQL that combines data from two tables while ensuring that all rows from both tables are included in the result set


Alternatives to UUIDs for Unique Identification in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the uuid data type is used to store 128-bit values that guarantee uniqueness across tables and databases


Using PostgreSQL Triggers Effectively: Beyond the Basics

PostgreSQL's type system includes special entries known as pseudo-types. These aren't data types for storing data in columns


Demystifying language_handler in PostgreSQL: When and Why It's Used

PostgreSQL's data type system includes a category of special types called pseudo-types. These types differ from standard data types in that:


When to Use Alternatives to OIDs for Data Management in PostgreSQL

The oid data type represents the raw numeric OID value.They act as primary keys within system tables that store information about these objects


When to Use Integer vs. Alternatives in PostgreSQL

Value Range The range of values an integer can store is from -2,147, 483, 648 to 2,147, 483, 647.Storage Size An integer value uses 4 bytes of storage space in your database


A Guide to PostgreSQL Numeric Types: Storage, Precision, and Examples

bigint Stores very large whole numbers between -9,223, 372, 036, 854, 775, 808 and 9,223, 372, 036, 854, 775, 807 (8 bytes). Use this for big counters or identifiers


Understanding PostgreSQL Timestamp Data Types: TIMESTAMP vs. TIMESTAMPTZ

TIMESTAMP (without time zone): This data type stores both date and time information. However, it doesn't consider time zones


Exploring Alternatives to Integer Data Types in PostgreSQL

Common Choice Because of its balanced storage and value range, integer is the default choice for storing whole numbers in PostgreSQL unless you have a specific reason to use a different data type


When to Use Double Precision and Its Alternatives in PostgreSQL

Inexactness It's important to note that double precision, like most floating-point data types, is inexact. This means that certain real numbers cannot be stored precisely due to limitations in how computers represent numbers internally